Thursday, March 12, 2020

9 Toxic Things Your Boss Should Never Say

9 Toxic Things Your Boss Should Never Say Toxic managers arent always obvious. In some cases, they send subtly toxic messages that are unacceptable in the workplace.If your manager says unterstellung nine toxic things, you might consider it a red flag.1. Did you think this was well done?If you do a poor job on an assignment, your performance warrants a tough conversation and, in some cases, you could lose your job. That part is, of course, fair. But your manager should speak to you about why what you did wasnt was well done, as opposed to sarcastically asking you if you thought you did well. Rhetorical questions are not necessary rather, theyre a form of gaslighting that can hurt your morale and have adverse effects on your workplace performance.2. I know youre busy, but can you plan the geschftszimmer get-together? Youre just so good at this stuff.Women are too often expected to take on the arbeitszimmer housework, told that theyre just so good at it. If your manager expects that yo ull take on tasks like planning get-togethers, doing kitchen or supply runs or grabbing coffee, that could be a red flag. You should be expected to take on your actual job responsibilities, and any kind of momager work should be work you choose to do, not work that youre penalized for not doing.3. Colleague did this, so you should, too.Healthy competition in the office can be a good thing. But a manager shouldnt pit colleagues against one another or make you feel like the reason you should do a better job is because your colleagues are outperforming you instead of because you should be growing and developing as part of your job.4. I should have expected this from you.If your manager expected you to perform poorly, that should have been a conversation beforehand. A smart manager is proactive rather than reactive.5. Theres time to sleep in the grave.A manager who respects their employees understands that a healthy work-life balance is key to employee retention. They also understand t hat you need adequate sleep to keep physically and mentally healthy to keep productive and efficient in your work.6. Thanks for being the office momWhile it may feel flattering to be so well-liked in the office, your job is to do your job, not to take care of everyone else around you. Of course, looking after others and lending a helping hand is generous of you, and your managers thank you may very well be a genuine one. But, again, you should be recognized in the workplace for the work that you do, not for your caretaking personality.7. I know youre on vacation, but...If youre given paid time off (PTO), it should be respected. Of course, there are times of emergency when you may really be needed, but there should be a protocol set in place for that so you can, otherwise, utilize the time off thats necessary for your mental health.8. Being on time is being late.Again, a good manager respects work-life balance. Being early is always a good idea to get your ducks in a row before divin g into the workday. It may help you to perform better throughout the day and be more efficient. But if you arrive on time, youre still, well, on time.9. Youre doing so well because youre insert irrelevent personality trait.Research suggests that sexism plaguesperformance reviews. Whereas men tend to receive constructive criticism and direction to move forward, as well as praise for their skills, women tend to receive vague feedback that doesnt help them to improve, as well as recognition of their personality traits that have nothing to do with their actual work. If your manager doesnt share an honest review with you that helps you to do your job better, it could be a major red flag.--AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about womens empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog,, and follow her journeys on Instagram her_report,T witterherreport and Facebook.

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